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Interior design for the new decade

The El Style Design Experience

Ellada Mesveliani’s clean, effortlessly elegant style is the first thing you notice about her when she walks into a room. Capturing this essence in all of her interiors and designs, Ellada’s attention to detail transcends into a finished product that is very well defined. We work with any size budget and project to create the most satisfaction possible for our clients. No project is too small! What matters to us is your satisfaction. We cannot wait to hear from you and create the space of your dreams! Our team includes experienced architects, furniture makers, and designers that collaborate effectively in order to deliver the best results for you.



Designs for Home and Business

When it comes to building something new or refreshing what you already have, design is the easiest part to get terribly wrong, or wonderfully right. Hiring the right team for the job means getting what you want, done on time, and with the kind of expertise that makes your customers (and friends, family, and haters) go “Wow.”



Of Design

“Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated." -- Paul Rand, graphic designer.



Not just the physical space, but your relationship to it and why everything works well within it. A simple change of a line can change a space.


The relationship between form and function is critical to the structure of space, especially in a business setting where optimization and brand identity key.


Feel it. The light, the colors, the textures, the patterns. Everything says something, putting the pieces together creates a feeling beyond just the physical.



The finish - the final touches. The sum of all parts, and how each part interacts.




Los Angeles


Nestled between mountains, coastlines, deserts, and some of the most well known places in the world - Los Angeles has no shortage of inspiration. Whether you are in LA or from somewhere far away, El Style Design will work with you to make your vision come to life.

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French writer and poet